Re: Colored Dots Formula
Your ISDATE() syntax is a little off. I also reordered your conditions a little to avoid an error if something other than a date is entered. =IF(ISDATE([Contract Expiration Date]@row), IF([Contract E…1 · -
Re: Date format Formula
Give this a try: =IF(OR(ISBLANK([Date]@row), [Date]@row = "N/A"), "", "WE - " + YEAR([Date]@row + (6 - WEEKDAY([Date]@row))) + "-" + IF(MONTH([Date]@row + (6 -…1 · -
Re: COUNTIFS , based on previous days - not including current day
There is an extra closing paren, try this: =COUNTIFS(Date:Date, @cell < TODAY (), Date:Date, @cell >= TODAY (-7), Activity:Activity, @cell = "Violation")1 · -
Re: COUNTIFS Status and Year is Current(Cross-Sheet Formula)
Give this a try: =COUNTIFS({Status}, "Pending Submission", {Submission Date}, IFERROR(YEAR(@cell), 0) = YEAR(TODAY()))1 · -
Re: Multiple 'If/Contains' Formula
Index/Match was my first thought as well. Because (I am assuming) you are looking at multiple possible addresses that vary only in the last octet, you will have to use LEFT to take only the digits pr…1 ·